Where birds of a feather flock together.

Text Box: Audubon Hills Neighborhood Watch
Est. 1972

It is a program involving the joint efforts of the sheriff and the community; designed to enhance neighborhood security, heighten the community's power of observation, and to encourage mutual assistance and concern among neighbors.  When something seems suspicious, call 911 immediately, then the board.  (Click on “more details.”)

What is Neighborhood Watch?

1. Call 911

2. Try to collect as much information as possible on the subject or vehicle.  (See “more details”)

3. Contact the board.

What do I do, if something suspicious is going on, or if my home was broken into?

AHA! Neighborhood Watch

Text Box: Watch Commander: Vacant-contact the board

An area watch Captain is the primary contact, for the commander, when an incident happens on your street. A Deputy is the back up, if the Captain is gone.  They are people that have volunteered for NW for your sectioned area of Audubon Hills.  Their primary job is to be the eyes and ears of your street, and to contact those residents that don’t have e-mail or are not answering the phone.  They are crucial to the success of AHA’s! NW.

What is an area watch Captain and Deputy?  How can I become one for our street?

This external link, can give you further information on this national program.

What is the National Neighborhood Watch Program?

Audubon Hills Neighborhood Watch (AHNW)

is a branch of Audubon Hills Association (AHA)


AHNW Commander = Vacant, please contact board if you are interested in this position.




To e-mail the whole AHA board at once.